Friday, May 18, 2012

Role Model

Author’s Note: My sister is like my best friend, she would do just about anything for me. I chose to write about her because she is my role model. When I grow up I want to be just like her. I love to play basketball and she was an amazing player. 

Janelle is my older sister, my role model, and my best friend. If anything were to happen to her, I would go bezerk. Honestly I love her so much if she were to get hurt really bad, I would want to be by her side every hour of everyday. I think to myself everyday what would’ve happened if Janelle was never born, I don’t think that I would have a very good role model. Even though Janelle is 9 years older than me, she treats me like we are the same age. She treats me as if I were her best friend. We do a lot of things together, and we love doing them together. Truthfully I have another sister, but she is nice to me only sometimes. 

This summer my sister is coaching my AAU (Amateur Athletic Union) basketball team. I like it because, first of all she is my sister, second of all she lets me have more playing time, and third of all she makes it a memory to remember. I would honestly not being doing CBA (coaches basketball association) if Janelle was not the coach. Here’s the catch though, there is another team (kinda like a A and B team) and the coach of that team is Taylor Jannsen. Taylor is one of Janelle’s best friends, and for some tournaments I have to play with Taylor’s team (not as fun as it might sound.) If you were in my position you wouldn’t be happy if your sister (favorite person in the world) wasn’t with you. Janelle has always been there for me though, through thick and thin.

Facts about Janelle:
Favorite color: blue
Favorite Foods: pizza, ice-cream and steak
Favorite Sport: basketball
Hair color: bleach blonde
Height: 5’ 9”
Eye Color: Hazel
Other interesting facts: wears glasses, never broken a bone and had stitches 3 times.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Not So Funny

Author’s Note: Today was Shelby’s choice for what we were going to write about. She was kind of panicking in a way...but she was able to pick the end of class, so we had no class time to work on it.

I remember this one time when I was about 10 years old and I got into a car crash with my mom and grandma. It was the most scariest thing that ever happened to me. I honestly was more scared for my grandma than I was about me... my grandma is 75 years old and she was sitting in the front of the car. What happened was my mom, grandma and I were driving back from a cookie party in Illinois. It was during winter and it was really slippery and icy. The cars in front of us was slipping all over the place... I had a bad feeling about driving so fast on the highway with the weather being like that. There was this one patch of ice across all of the lanes, once we got up to that spot I knew we were going to end up somewhere but going straight. In the end we ended up facing the other way that we were supposed to be going... my mom’s car was totalled, and we had to get a ride home from airway (a van that takes people home who don’t have a car.)

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Author’s Note: The topic chosen for today was Goldfish, we have a routine where someone picks a topic for the day and then the next someone else picks the topic... today was claire’s choose. I like the topic but I think that we need to take some time to think about what we pick.

Splish, Splash, the goldfish was taking a bath... Blueberry is my goldfish and she is a beta fish. I chose to name her blueberry because she looked like a blueberry (color wise.) Blueberry was the best fish I ever had... the sad thing is though... is that she only lived to be 2 years. The thing about beta fish is that if you have any other fish and you put the beta with say a guppy, there will be a little chance that the guppy will survive. I had many different fish in my lifetime so far and blueberry was the best. When she died I kind of flipped out. I really loved blueberry, she felt like she was my daughter...(just joking) Honestly I loved blueberry and that is that.

Monday, May 14, 2012

The Time Of Your Life

The time of your life

Author’s Note: The topic that we chose to write about was vacation...I never go on vacation unless we win the lottery (which never happened or will happen.) I liked this topic because I can dream about going on a nice vacation.

Kids at my school wait for this all year round. I know I do... the only vacations that I get are the ones
that the school gives to us. While my friends are going to Florida for no reason and are missing school... I have to sit in my class alone with no one to talk to. Vacation can be special or they can be horrific. It can be special if you are like on a honeymoon, or it can be horrific because you might have to be sent away somewhere that you don’t want to go. Although everyone thinks that vacation is it really all that amazing?

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Behind The Stripes

Author’s Note: This is a story about zebras. We chose a random topic and the chosen one was zebras. Today you will be reading about the interesting animal that has the name of a zebra. Be sure to pay attention to how their stripes mean something interesting.

Z is for Zebras. They are a type of animal that can be seen in a zoo or in the wild. If you are in the wild you will never see a zebra by itself, unless it got lost. Zebras live in family groups of more than a dozen with one stallion as head. Did you know that all the stripes on zebras are not the same... in fact they each have their own unique pattern that can be recognized by other family members. In fact when zebras run in a herd, the stripes help protect them by confusing predators with a dizzying display.

Zebras sleep in shifts, so that some members of the herd are always awake and alert. The leader uses sounds to signal when all is safe or when a threat occurs. If the leader fails it’s job... all is not bad zebras can run 64 km (40 miles) per hour, even though they weigh 227 to 272 pounds. There are some bad things about the leader failing though... a cheetah is one of their predators, cheetahs are the fastest land mammals. They can run up to 70 miles per hour!